Volume 1 Number 3

Anthropology Now Issue 3 After Darwin Features •Darwin’s Ventriloquists by Jonathan Marks •Spitting Image by Gisli Palsson •Race Drugs by Jonathan Kahn •Soccer, Sex, and Scandal in Brazil by Don Kulick •Rights and Security: Contradictory or Complementary? by Daniel M. Goldstein •Making Old Histories New in the Peruvian Amazon by Shane Greene Departments Letters to […]
3 Haitian Women’s Rights Leaders Dead
Myriam Merlet, Magalie Marcelin and Anne Marie Coriolan, founders of three of Haiti’s most important women and girl’s advocacy groups, are confirmed dead in the aftermath of the recent Haiti earthquake. Myriam Merlet was until recently chief of staff of Haiti’s Ministry for Gender and the Rights of Women and continued to serve as a […]
Haitians, ever fastidious even in crisis
Have you noticed how incredibly clean everybody looks in the footage on Haiti? The only people who appear unkempt, on the whole, are the foreign reporters. Well that’s an exaggeration of course, but not much of one. Really — look closely at just about any picture or video from the earthquake aftermath and all the […]