The Fire this Time?
Michael L. Blakey To cite this article: Michael L. Blakey (2020) The Fire this Time?, Anthropology Now, 12:3, 39-49, DOI: 10.1080/19428200.2020.1884486 Michael L. Blakey The Case for Letting Anthropology Burn? Hmm. Anthropology was burning before I began my undergraduate career at Howard University in 1975. At least that’s when I first smelled the smoke. I […]
December 2020

INTRODUCING A NEW ANTHROPOLOGY NOW TEAM MEMBER Photo Editor IntroductionSydney Silverstein ANTHROPOLOGY OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC COVID-19 in Bulgaria: Moral Economy as Pandemic ReliefJana Tsoneva Shit’s Getting Real: A Cultural Analysis of Toilet PaperGrant Jun Otsuki Age, Isolation and Inequality in the Time of COVID-19Elana Buch and Jessica Robbins “THE CASE FOR LETTING ANTHROPOLOGY BURN […]