Why Doesn’t Diversity Training Work?

The Challenge for Industry and Academia Uncommon Sense Starbucks’ decision to put 175,000 workers through diversity training on May 29, in the wake of the widely publicized arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia store, put diversity training back in the news. But corporations and universities have been doing diversity training for decades. Nearly […]
What Jason Richwine Should Have Heard from his PhD Committee
In one of the latest academic-cum-political dust ups, Jason Richwine, formerly of the Heritage Institute, co-authored a study estimating the “cost” of regularizing the immigration status of the undocumented. Imagined by the Heritage Foundation as a high profile and hard-hitting attack on proposed immigration reform, the study was widely criticized by both liberals and conservatives […]
On Anthropology, Human Terrain System and University Funding
“A new phalanx of anthropologist-warriors are being recruited, carrying ‘cultural scripts’ to battle” Mark LeVine, a professor of history at UC Irvine writes for Al Jazeera: …Originally conceived in the mid-2000s as the Iraqi insurgency gained strength and the US was making little headway in Afghanistan, the “Human Terrain Systems” program brought anthropologists and other scholars […]