Welcome to our third installment of Antho/Zine, an undergraduate venue from the team at Anthropology Now. Out vision for Anthro/Zine is to encourage student creativity through anthropology. To that end we publish works by college students and recent grads that explores their individual encounter with anthropology. If you’d like to submit something please consult our submission guidelines below.

Click on the cover or the hyperlink below to download a pdf of our latest issue:

Anthro/Zine | December 2015Antho/Zine | December 2015

Feel free to distribute this pdf electronically or by print. For more information on how students can submit their work see the call inside the pdf or check our call for submissions. We are primarily interested in publishing the creative and the personal rather than research. Written works should be short or even very brief, visual works are encouraged.

December issue: Poetry, photography, reflections, and research

Table of contents

Return to the Nacerima

Shackles of Society

Synthetic Soul

The Fast Fast

A Visual Anthropology Perspective on Madrid

A Change is Still Going to Come…

My Anthopological Life

Hojo Masako: Breaking the Glass Ceiling Then and Inspiration for Now

Childbirth: Which side will you choose?

Palangi by Blood, Samoan by Experience



Back Issues

The cover of Volume 1 Issue 1, the first issue of Anthropozine. Anthro/Zine | April 2015


Anthro/Zine | September 2015Anthro/Zine | September 2015

Submission Guidelines

Interested in seeing your work published in Anthro/Zine? We want to see what you’ve been up to!

We are looking for undergraduate authors who can communicate their personal connection to the object of their study. How does your identity or personal history interact with your experience of anthropology? What drew you to this line inquiry? To this end we are making an open call for the following:

Written works should be creative and engaging and should abstain from jargon, artistic works should be relevant to the issue theme and anthropology broadly construed. Bibliographies are not necessary unless you are including a direct quote in your piece. If so then use APA style in footnotes.

Generally we are looking to publish shorter works, including some that are very brief. If you have a longer piece consider trimming it down before submitting it. Suggested lengths: “Letters” – about 200 to 600 words; “Articles” – about 800 to 1500 words; “Features” – about 2000 to 2500 words.

Publication Schedule

We publish three issues a year: April, September, and December. We are currently collecting submissions for our December issue which is open topic.

April will be organized around the theme of the Environment and Ecology with submissions due March 15, 2016. The September issue will be themed around Ethnography and Methodology.

Submission checklist

1. Feel free to direct questions to mthompson@marinersmuseum.org before you submit.

2. For written works use single spacing, no formatting, and save the piece as a .doc file. Embedded hyperlinks are okay, but we are not doing multimedia yet.

3. Send the file(s) as an email attachment to mthompson@marinersmuseum.org

4. In the body of the email include:

5. Please submit early. You are welcome to submit multiple works. Submissions will be acknowledged within three weeks.

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