Kieran Kesner, a photographer, attended the Jewish ritual at the MetLife Stadium. You can view his beautiful images and video clips at AMAGANSETT.
I had never heard of Siyum HaShas. After a 6 hour drive on the morning of from Boston to NJ, I found myself immersed in the collective gathering of nearly 100,000 Jews.
This celebration marked the 12th celebration of Siyum HaShas, signifying the completion of Daf Yomi, a seven and a half year journey some take studying Talmud, the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law cycle of studying texts from the Talmud, the canon of Jewish religious law. The event took place at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey on August 1, 2012. The event involved speeches, dancing, singing, praying and celebration
This specific video clip, unedited, was shot through the crevice of my sleeve as everyone turned to face Jerusalem and Daven.
©2012 Kieran Kesner. All Rights Reserved