Last Man Standing

240px-Levi-Strauss1939This week saw an outpouring of sentiment and reflection about Claude Lévi-Strauss on the occasion of his death on October 30, just shy of his 101st birthday:


Le Monde (Roger Pol-Droit)

Libération (Antoine de Gaudemar)

The Guardian (Maurice Bloch)

The Independent (Adam Kuper)

The Times

The Telegraph (UK)

The Telegraph (Calcutta)


New York Times (Edward Rothstein)

Wall Street Journal (Stephen Miller)

Washington Post (Alexander Remington)

Reuters (Estelle Shirbon)

Los Angeles Times (Thomas Maugh)

Bloomberg (David Henry)

Other reflections:

Richard Price: “My teacher Claude Lévi-Strauss” (AAA blog)

NYTimes op-ed by 2008 Nobel prize winning author J. M. G. Clezio.

Two pieces by New York Times reporter Larry Rohter, an appraisal and a cheat sheet to four key “binaries” in Levi-Strauss’s work.

Guy Sorman’s reflections on New York’s influence on Levi-Strauss. (indeed!) (Hamilton Nolan)

Savage Minds blog (Alex Golub)

An “elegy” from the Wall Street Journal (Moira Weigel)

Arthur Goldhammer rains on the parade.

Metafilter (always good for some laughs in the comments)

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One Response

  1. Still finding great insights in Levi-Strauss's writings albeit some reservations that many of you have pointed out. For example, his rejection of Western humanism vis-a-vis the destruction of the environment.

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