Upon receiving the Anders Retzius gold medal for his significant scientific contribution to anthropology, Paul Stoller reflects on the meanings of the discipline and ponders over its value in this market economy with anthropologist, Gina Athena Ulysse, in her new interview series, Why Anthropology Still Matters on Huffington Post.
Read the entire piece on the Huffington Post: Paul Stoller or Why Anthropology Still Matters.
Look for Paul Stoller’s new article, “Blogging Bliss” in the December 2013 issue of Anthropology Now. If you are not a subscriber, please check the Magazine page for ordering and JSTOR information.

2 Responses
at first congrz to Stoller. He present a very beautiful “Gift” with love and passion for those who loved him. as Marcel, He also dig out an submissive issues in the neo-liberal age.
I knew Dr. Schuyler Van Rensselaer Camman, professor of (East) Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where these esdiopes were taped. He was from a Dutch patrician family on Long Island. He is the tall person standing on the right. I was at Penn during the 1960’s.