Anthropologists Not Needed in Florida
Speaking at The Mark Bernier Show, Florida Governor Rick Scott expressed an unfavorable opinion of anthropology: We don’t need a lot more anthropologists in the state. It’s a great degree if people want to get it, but we don’t need them here. I want to spend our dollars giving people science, technology, engineering, and math […]
Anarchy in the UK?
Sean Carey writes at about the attribution of the UK Riots to “outsiders:” But how true is the “outsider” hypothesis in accounting for riots? In the UK in the early 1980s, people often thought that “outsiders” were responsible for disorders simply because a large crowd would gather when there was an incident which then […]
The Meanings of Debt
David Graeber discusses economics at Blogs: …If the study of history shows us anything, it’s that it all comes down to power. The people on the top know that everything is negotiable. If there’s a real problem, you can always work something out – which is what we saw in 2008, when the financial […] Social and Cultural Anthropology in the News
Check out this post about alternatives to our current dominant economic system on the anthropology blog ” Use Anthropology to Build a Human Economy Anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, economists and activists have come together and written a citizen guide for a human economy. In The Human Economy more than 30 authors from 15 countries show […]