The Nexus of Collaboration: Negotiating African American History and Public Interest in Southwest Virginia
On a hazy June afternoon in 2003, we stood on a bluff overlooking the New River in Whitethorne, Virginia with members of the newly formed Kentland Historic Revitalization Committee. The group had convened to curb a record of benign neglect in the historic district of Kentland Farm, the agricultural research station of Virginia Polytechnic Institute […]
What Did Malinowski Eat in Papua?
One hundred years ago (June 27, 1915 to be precise), Bronislaw Malinowski arrived in the Trobriand Islands of eastern Papua New Guinea to begin the fieldwork that would become legendary and shape his whole career, ultimately revolutionizing British social anthropology. He was 31 years old, a brilliant polyglot born of Polish gentry. He was highly […]
September 2015

Volume 7 | Issue 2 | September 2015 This issue includes: Features Healing Circles and Restorative Justice: Learning from Non-Anglo American Traditions by Timothy H. Gailey The Law, Society and a Larger Vision: A Commentary on Healing Circles and Restorative Justice by Francis J. Larkin Perpetual War with text by Katherine T. McCaffrey and photos […]