American Media on Iran: Hostage to a Worldview
Narges Bajoghli To cite this article: Narges Bajoghli (2019) American Media on Iran: Hostage to a Worldview, Anthropology Now, 11:3, 31-38, DOI: 10.1080/19428200.2019.1747886 “Will Iran stick to the JCPOA?” “How can Iran’s aggressive behavior in the region be curbed?” “How much longer can the Islamic Repub- lic hold on to power given general discon- tent […]
Making Academic Research Accessible: An Infographic Describing Older Women’s Experiences of Housing Insecurity
Kelly O’Neil To cite this article: Kelly O’Neil (2019) Making Academic Research Accessible: An Infographic Describing Older Women’s Experiences of Housing Insecurity, Anthropology Now, 11:3, 45-62, DOI: 10.1080/19428200.2019.1747876 Years ago, when I lived in Ottawa, the National Gallery of Canada purchased a painting that ignited a storm of controversy. People were really angry: ferocious defenders and […]
On the Road During a Time of War: Migrant Journeys Through a Wary Europe
Mary D’Ambrosio To cite this article: Mary D’Ambrosio (2019) On the Road During a Time of War: Migrant Journeys Through a Wary Europe, Anthropology Now, 11:3, 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/19428200.2019.1733824 Conversations with dozens of Middle Eastern and African migrants crossing Europe suggest that refugees often pass through three stages of migration: trepidation before the dangerous journey, […]
Yellow Water: Rupture and Return One Year after the Gold King Mine Spill

Beginnings Forged by glacial flows millions of years ago, the San Juan Mountains in southern Colorado remain a mystical landscape to many visitors. The lure of their sky-bound rocky spires, regionally called “fourteeners,” a colloquial title that references their higher-than-14,000-foot elevation, draws thousands of tourists annually to explore nostalgic remnants of the “wild west” in […]
Lissa and the Graphic Novel Form: An Appreciation

Lissa: A Story about Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution tells a tale in graphic novel form of two (fictional) girls, one American and one Egyptian, who each faces different medical dilemmas. Set largely during the Egyptian Revolution, it reveals through the personal stories of the two characters — composites invented by the authors and drawn […]
Shifting Perspectives: The Man in Africa Hall at the American Museum of Natural History at 50

The “Man in Africa Hall” at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) opened on June 8, 1968, after seven years of preparation. Colin Turnbull, hired in 1959 as the Museum’s first curator of African Ethnology, was tasked with curating the third iteration of an anthropology exhibit focused on Africa. By the time the Hall […]
On the Matter of Film

As film making and viewing increasingly become identified with digital media — storage in bits and invisible streams that manifest as cinematic experiences in our classrooms, theaters and living rooms — it is easy to lose track of the concrete materials, processes and spaces that make these viewing experiences possible. Easy, that is, unless your […]
Surveilling Trump: A Call to Action
Trump Watch For better or worse, many people across the globe pay close attention to the Unites States. To be sure, it’s a juggernaut. Some observers consider it — and for good reason — the most powerful country on earth. Social scientists, meanwhile, recognize that it is a nation-state and a society with great internal […]
Ethnography on Trial
“[Ethnography] is the most appropriate research approach for increasing understanding of the range of sociocultural effects of the multifaceted and evolving Deepwater Horizon disaster on the people and communities of coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.” Diane Austin Rebuttal to BP Round 2 Reports, September 26, 2014 It is fitting that this article is being published […]
The “Born-Free” Generation

visual essay In 1994, South Africa celebrated its first universal elections. The event marked the end of apartheid, the institutionalized system of racial segregation that characterized the country for almost 50 years. I was born in South Africa just one year prior to this historical event. As a consequence, I am a member of the […]