When A Woman Is Married to Multiple Brothers: Land, Climate and Cultural Changes in Western Himalaya

Aghaghia Rahimzadeh “That’s Anurag over there, and his brother Anuraj,” Kusum said, pointing to her two husbands and smiling proudly. “We have a baby between us.” I greeted the young men and praised the happy baby, no longer surprised by a form of marriage that most of the world might view as unorthodox. In […]
April, 2023

Vol. 15, Issue 1 – April, 2023 Features A Case Study of a Locked-Down Community under COVID-19 in BeijingHuang JingPages: 1-13Published online: 12 Oct 2023 Caring (Enough) to Kill: On Making Meat and Eating Well in Rural EgyptNoha FikryPages: 14-25Published online: 12 Oct 2023 Words, Like Viruses, Spill Over. Consider “Porn”Robert MyersPages: 26-37Published online: 12 Oct 2023 […]
September, 2021

Volume 13 | Number 2 | September, 2021 FEATURES When Animals Talk Back Don Kulick Overlaps, Disjunctures and Possibilities: Evolutionary Anthropology and Medical Practice in ConversationAgustín Fuentes & Eleanor Lisa Lavadie-Gómez “Thinning” Anthropological Expert TestimonyBruce Granville Miller Ghost Dogs and Their Unwitting Accomplices Stanley Gehrt Quinoa and Small-Scale Agriculture in Times of […]
Three Cheers for Pioneers: A Review of Outer Space Anthropology
Savannah Mandel “Does that mean you study aliens?” During the year and half I spent working in the New Mexico and Washington, District of Columbia, space industry community, con- ducting fieldwork and working in policy, a typical happy hour introduction often started off like this: “Oh, you’re an anthropologist? But, you re- search space? How’s […]
May Your Classroom Be a Sea Change: Further Thoughts on Teaching about Palestine
Maura Finkelstein I am still haunted by the stolen homes I encountered in East Jerusalem in June of 2018. I was in Palestine for two weeks, traveling through the region with 12 other American academics, all interested in learning about the occupation through a settler colonial framework. One day, we wandered through the labyrinthine of […]
Ghost Dogs and Their Unwitting Accomplices
Stanley Gehrt Foreword, by Rylan Higgins Stan Gehrt and I “met” for the first time via Zoom in May of 2021. We talked for about an hour, and at some point, we learned that we grew up within about 45 minutes of each other in southeast Kansas. As an anthropologist, I have always found that […]
Overlaps, Disjunctures and Possibilities: Evolutionary Anthropology and Medical Practice in Conversa
Agustín Fuentes & Eleanor Lisa Lavadie-Gómez In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the complexity of human health in the 21st century is anything but straightforward. We know human beings evolve and integrate with and in their surroundings via a complex suite of physiological, behavioral and cultural patterns,1 but that is not how “health” is […]
When Animals Talk Back
Don Kulick On a beautiful autumn day in 2019, I found myself in southern England, sitting in a straight-backed chair, in a light, high-ceilinged hall that looked as if it normally is used as an exhibition space. In my lap, I was holding an 8×10 glossy photo- graph of Buddy, an adorable brown cockapoo: a […]
National Book Award Finalist

Running out: In search of water on the high plains by Lucas Bessire The Ogallala aquifer has nourished life on the American Great Plains for millennia. But less than a century of unsustainable irrigation farming has taxed much of the aquifer beyond repair. The imminent depletion of the Ogallala and other aquifers around the world is […]
Virtual Ruination: Encountering Virtual Loss and Digital Ephemerality

Jessica Marie Falcone As I logged into the virtual world of Second Life (SL) in October 2020, I was expecting my avatar to manifest in the Buddha Center where I had left her a few months before (www.secondlife.com). The Buddha Center was an online Buddhist teaching community where I had already done years of research […]